Jumat, Oktober 16, 2009


aaaaah sedih, terharu, seneng semua nya campur aduk!
tau ga sih? haha ternyata hari pembagian rapot yang gua tunggu-tunggu, akhirnya tiba juga hehe dan ternyata.... wuuuuh gua ranking 1! haha seneeeeeeeeng banget banget deh, ga percaya, ga nyangka, gua bisa ngalahin putri, nath sama alvhan yang pinter itu
akhirnya gua bisa ngebanggain orang tua gua lagi :)
thank you jesus :) my happines for you and i proud of me...

Kamis, Oktober 15, 2009

The thing things - Shut up and let me go

Shut up and let me go
This hurts, I tell you so
For the last time you will kiss my lips
Now shut up and let me go
Your jeans were once so clean
I bet you changed your wardrobe since we met
Now oh so easily you're over me
Gone is love It's you that ought to be holding me
I'm not containable
This turns up it's not sustainable
I ain't freakin' I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin' I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin' I ain't fakin' this
Shut up and let me go
Shut up and let me go
This hurts but I can't show
For the last time you had me in bits
Now shut up and let me go! For fear of leaving in regret
I changed this one when we first met
Now oh so easily you're over me
Gone is love It's me that ought to be moving on
You're not adorable
I was something unignorable
I ain't freakin' I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin' I ain't fakin' this
I ain't freakin' I ain't fakin' this
Shut up and let me go
Oh love, hold this
Shut up and let me go
This hurts, I told you so
For the last time you will kiss my lips
Now shut up and let me go

Senin, Oktober 12, 2009

i'm so excited!

yeees akhirnya mid selesai jugaa.. seneng bgt bisa bebas haha dan yang buat gua seneng ituuuu ternyata nilai kimia gua paling besar di kelas setelah alvhan hahaha wuow! huaaa seneng abissss deh, thanks god :* semoga ga cuma kimia yang dapet nilai besar, tapi semuanya haha amiin!

Jumat, Oktober 09, 2009


happy birthday ka Dani! yeah, today is Dani's day haha tadi seru bgt deh bikin surprise nya, gua pura-pura akting marah-marah ke illa sama ka yangki ampe mau di keroyok sama mau nangis beneran hahaha padahal kan cuma skenariooo ckck finally, semuanya sukses deh rencana dadakannya...

Kamis, Oktober 08, 2009

Rock on & Pink Smoothie

hey bloger? how are you today? wohoo i hopes you are okay. today, i will tell you about my activities hehe. what i do before i'm going outside? yup, take some pic haha maybe i'ts will be my habit! hmm let's see the result guys..